About the Foundation
The Foundation aims to establish, train and accompany communities of siblings of individuals struggling with mental illnesses. Its goal is to strengthen family and community resilience while leveraging and strengthening the bond between siblings.
The Foundation serves as a beacon for supporting "siblings of" as agents of change for family resilience and is committed to promoting public awareness and reducing the stigma associated with mental illness.
The activities of our Foundation are made possible, thanks to the support and generosity of donors.
By joining our family of donors you will allow us to continue to expand our “Sibling 4 Sibling” project, providing better coping mechanisms to the siblings of the mentally ill patients and their family members, combatting with the daily challenges they are faced with.
We thank you for your contribution!
Bank Transfer Donation
Account Details:
Rikma Enosheet Foundation (RA)
Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank (20)
branch: 573
Account: 322085
iban: IL57 0205 7300 0000 0322 085
Donation via Check
Donations by check can be sent directly to:
Rikma Enosheet
11 Nahal Habsor
Ramat Hasharon
* עבור תרומתך תונפק קבלה כחוק וכן אישור לסעיף 46 לצורך החזר מס